List Of Nationally Accredited Online Colleges

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National accrediting bodies mostly look at career, vocational, trade, and religious schools in the United States. Many of these schools don’t require as much general education as traditional four-year universities. They also tend to be cheaper and have a more practical, job-oriented curriculum than conventional universities.

Schools that the Council has approved for Higher Education Accreditation and the US Department of Education can be found by reading on. You can also locate more details about the national accreditation agencies that CHEA has approved.

The US Department of Education signs colleges and universities as good places to go. Lets other schools and certification boards know that you have had a good education in your field. All of the academies on our site have been authorized by the state or government.

The Accreditation Bureau for Health Education Schools is in charge of making sure that the schools that get their accreditation are (ABHES). The Accrediting Bureau of Health Education Schools focuses on getting private post-secondary schools specializing in health education, like a pharmacy technician, massage therapist, and emergency medical technician programs, accredited by the government.

The bureau also gives programmatic accreditation to public and private schools that teach medical assisting, lab technology, and surgical technology. The American Board of Health Education Standards (ABHES) promotes educational excellence by holding institutions to high standards and encouraging ongoing improvement in healthcare education.

The Career Schools and Universities Accrediting Commission (ACCSC)

The Accrediting Commission for Career Schools and Colleges is the leading group that makes sure that vocational and technical Colleges in the United States are safe. The commission has been accrediting schools for more than 50 years. More than 650 post-secondary schools specialize in occupational, trade, and technical training. The US Department of Education recognizes that ACCSC wants to be an authority on educational quality, give students opportunities, and help build a well-trained, competitive workforce.

Continuing Education and Training Accrediting Council (ACCET)

The Accreditation Council for Continuing Education and Activity examines non-college institutions that offer adult educational training and groups that provide continuing education, like corporate training programs. The Council’s scope includes:

  • Private career schools.
  • Corporate training departments.
  • Intensive English language programs.
  • Trade associations.
  • Labor union training programs.
  • Religious groups.
  • Public affairs societies.
  • Volunteer groups.

These groups are all part of the Council’s mission. ACCET helps students be happy, succeed, and get jobs by thoroughly reviewing programs and institutions. In the United States, the Council is a recognized group.

Council on Accreditation of Independent Colleges and Schools (ACICS)

People who work for the Accrediting Council for Independent Colleges and Schools have been doing this for more than 100 years. They review independent schools, colleges, and other places that focus on professional career training. ACICS works with the US Department of Education and the state where the school is being looked at to see if it is accredited. The three groups check each other out to ensure that the evaluations are the best they can be. There is a good chance that the US Department of Education will let you use ACICS to get your job done.

Advanced Rabbinical and Talmudic Schools’ Association (AARTS)

The Association of Advanced Rabbinical and Talmudic School is a group of rabbinical and Talmudic training experts who run it independently. For better than 40 years, the nonprofit company has been setting educational standards for the field of work. AARTS expert in history wants rabbinical and Talmudic education to mix old and new ideas.

The association holds post-secondary programs that have been accredited to high standards in education, finance, and graduate requirements to make sure that they are good at what they do. In the United States, AARTS is approved by the US Department of Education and the Council on Higher Education Accreditation.

ABHE is the Association of Biblical Higher Education (ABHE)

The Association for Biblical Higher Education says that students who go to one of its schools must pass a core of biblical and theological studies, general studies, and professional studies. ABHE wants to improve Christian education and create a new kind of school. Some ABHE-accredited colleges and universities now have seminaries and graduate programs, and they do academic research.

Association of Institutions for the Study of Judaism (AIJS)

The Association of Jewish Studies looks at post-secondary schools that offer Jewish studies and other fields. AIJS makes sure that member schools keep up with and improve their quality of education, which helps to improve the academic field as a whole.

If a school is a post-secondary institution, the association looks at it to see if it has undergraduate-level programs in traditional Jewish studies. These include Biblical studies, Jewish law and customs, Talmudic studies, Jewish ethics, and studying Hebrew, Aramaic, and Yiddish. The US Department approves AIJS of Education, and it’s good to know that.

Association of Theological Schools Commission on Accreditation (ATS)

Suppose you want to study at a university in the United States or Canada. In that case, the Commission on Accreditation of the Association of Theological Schools makes sure they are good places to go to school. A Christian, Jewish, multi-denominational, and nondenominational school is included in its scope. The Association of Theological Schools’ core values is diversity, quality and improvement, collegial work, leadership, and a sense of shared responsibility.

The commission includes more than 260 accredited graduate theological schools, all of which meet 10 standards set by the commission to help students learn and succeed in theological studies, and all of them meet the standards. For more than 80 years, the Commission on Accreditation has been looking at member schools and making sure they meet specific criteria.

The National Council for Occupational Education (COE)

The Council on Occupational Education looks at post-secondary schools that teach occupational education. In addition to public technical schools, private career schools, Job Corps Centers, the Army, Navy, and the Department of Defense are all included in its scope.

In 1971, the Council was formed to ensure that educational institutions meet the job market’s needs by supporting student success. The US Department of Education recognizes the COE, which is in charge of more than 430 institutions that give diplomas, certificates, or applied associate degrees.

The Commission for Distance Education Accreditation (DEAC)

In the United States, the Distance Education Accreditation Commission is a national accrediting body that promotes and grows distance learning as an alternative to traditional learning systems. More than 500 online degrees, correspondence programs, and other types of distance education are accredited by the DEAC, a group of schools and colleges.

Accredited schools range from small, local schools to big, international businesses. After looking at their educational, ethical, and business practices, the commission accredits schools and colleges and only accepts them if they meet strict rules. Two groups recognize DEAC: the US Department of Education and the Council on Higher Education Accreditation.

Career Arts and Sciences National Accrediting Commission (NACCAS)

The National Accrediting Commission of Career Arts and Sciences is an independent, nonprofit group that looks at post-secondary schools that offer cosmetology arts and sciences courses. In 1969, two accrediting bodies in the field came together to form the Cosmetology Accrediting Commission.

The commission currently accredits 1,300 institutions serving more than 120,000 students across the country, keeping academic excellence in mind through its rules. The United States Department has approved people who work for NACCAS of Education.

Association of Christian Colleges and Schools from all over the world (TRACS)

The Transnational Association of Christian Colleges and Schools is an accrediting body for Christian institutions, such as colleges, universities, and seminaries, that are all Christian. In 1979, a group of volunteers and nonprofit organizations came together to help more than 80 schools in 21 states and six countries. Member schools are encouraged to give their students a good education and help them grow in their faith.

The American Council on Education is also a member of TRACS. This group promotes academic quality around the world by working with other groups. Because TRACS has been approved by the US government and the Council on Higher Educational Accreditation, you can go to school there.